
XpertCapture Core System Performance

XpertCapture is built on latest state of art web technologies. It is developed using ASP.NET MVC 4; blend with NHibernet, JQuery and SpineJS. ASP.NET MVC 4 is a strong server side web application framework. It provides a mechanism to build strong powerful and light weight web application. In client side we are using the power of JQuery which provide faster, efficient and interactive web UI.

We use Microsoft SQL Server 2008 as database server to store your data which confirms faster delivery of data.

XpertCapture Web Performance

XpertCapture Web is a light weight web interface. It is developed using ASP.NET MVC 4 which allows partial rendering and server side faster processing. On the other hand, JQuery allows super interactive interface which executes in client side and utilize client’s CPU power and thus server require few processing rather than other web technologies.

XpertCapture Lite Performance

XpertCapture Lite is built on JavaMe platform. We know JavaMe run on low cost limited processing powered device and provide limited scope to develop business rich application compared to desktop or web based application. In XpertCapture Lite, we tried best use of processing power and scopes. We developed it in a way that it can offer most efficient and user friendly way of data capturing and store them in a structured way so that user can work offline. We are confident that its user friendliness will must draw your attention.

Powerful hosting environment

XpertCature targetted to host on Windows Azure Cloud Server and it uses SQL Azure Server. About Windows Azure by their team

“Windows Azure offers highly-available Compute capacity that enables you to run application code in the cloud and allows you to quickly scale your applications up or down to meet your customer needs. Each Compute instance is a virtual machine that isolates you from other customers. Once Compute resources are assigned to your application, Windows Azure automatically handles network load balancing and failover to provide continuous availability. Windows Azure provides a 99.95% monthly SLA. for Compute services.

Applications in Windows Azure utilize Compute resources through one or more Compute containers called “roles”. Roles come in three different types: Web, Worker, and Virtual Machine (VM). “